SWINGMA RZ F1  product photo view-3 L
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SWINGMA RZ F1  product photo view-2 L
SWINGMA RZ F1  product photo view-3 L
SWINGMA RZ F1  product photo front L
SWINGMA RZ F1  product photo front S
SWINGMA RZ F1  product photo view-2 S
SWINGMA RZ F1  product photo view-3 S
  • Flexible product for different market destinations
  • High uniformity in shape and sizing
  • 70 to 85 growing days
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Variety name
Introduction number
30-WC748 RZ F1
Crop type
White cabbage
Resistance (HR)

Adaptable and versatile

Swingma RZ is an adaptable white cabbage with waxy green colour and a weight range of 1,5 to 4,2 kg. An early head filling ensures a versatile use for fresh market and fresh-cut convenience. Quality features are a short core, nice round shape and a juicy mild flavour. The plant shows strong vigour and good wrapper foliage through all growing seasons. Plant densities from 30.000 to 55.000/ha can be chosen according to market demand. It can be harvested from early to late season. 

• Flexible product for different market destinations
• High uniformity in shape and sizing
• 70 to 85 growing days