Blanched Celery | All types
KYLIAN RZ  product photo view-2 L
KYLIAN RZ  product photo front L
KYLIAN RZ  product photo view-2 L
KYLIAN RZ  product photo front L
KYLIAN RZ  product photo front S
KYLIAN RZ  product photo view-2 S

• Blanched Celery
• Upright growth habit
• Green stem colour

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Variety name
Introduction number
49-02 RZ
Crop type
Green celery

Early and high yield

Kylian RZ is a medium green, heavy celery variety for both the fresh market and processing industry. The plant grows upright, has a narrow structure and produces an early and high yield. It strongly resists bolting and has few side shoots, which makes harvesting easy. Kylian RZ is recommended for late spring to late winter cultivation in warm
production areas and for summer and autumn cultivation in colder production areas.

• High yield
• Early
• Strongly resists bolting